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Keeping pets well considered

The many parents among you are probably not completely unfamiliar with this typical child wish: Your daughter or son longs for nothing more than a pet of his or her own. And surely you also know the inner turmoil resulting from the question whether you should give in or resist your child's wishful eyes. With the following information, we would like to make you think carefully about whether a pet fits into your family.

First, please check whether your tenancy agreement prohibits the keeping of certain pets. Not that you will have to part with your now beloved companion later. This may be the case to prevent neighbours from feeling disturbed by the noise of the animal and disputes from breaking out between the tenants.

The time factor is equally important. Try to assess whether your child and you can spend enough time with your pet inside and outside the home. Otherwise, your pet may cause damage to your home because it is bored or frightened.

When planning, also think about where you will put your pet when you go on holiday.

If you do not have enough space for your desired animal, we would advise you not to purchase it. Because an animal is not a stuffed animal that sits in the corner and does not move. If the animal is kept in too small a space, it will feel cramped and may fall ill. Make sure that there is enough space for a cage or for romping around.

Another consideration when buying a pet is money. In addition to the purchase price, there are other costs such as taxes (for dogs), food, possibly a cage with equipment, toys as well as doctor's fees in case your pet gets sick or needs preventive vaccinations. You should plan for all of this.

By the way: Not every animal is recommended for every age group. For example, hamsters are not suitable for small children because of their nocturnal activity, as they will be asleep when your children are asleep. Guinea pigs, on the other hand, are more suitable because they adapt to the rhythm of humans.

Our conclusion: Instead of giving a pet as a gift, first read a reference book with information about the animal in question. And think carefully about whether you can and want to spend time and money on a pet and have the necessary space.

You can also get information at the Sangerhausen animal shelter and perhaps practice "walking" a dog. What we would also like to suggest is that you consider taking in an animal from the animal shelter. Because these animals also deserve a nice, familiar home.