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Tips from the police

Don't give tricksters a chance. Talented actors, these fraudsters and thieves ask for help or a favour, feign distress or pretend to be helpless to get into your home.

Using false identities (public officials, tradesmen, postmen, employees of utility companies, the church or social services, relatives and acquaintances), they try to gain your trust or simply claim to know you - as in the well-known grandchild trick.

Here are some more common tricks, which, by the way, are not only tried by senior citizens, but also by younger people: All tricks have only one goal: The crook wants to distract you in your flat. Often the flat door is not closed. A third person can then enter to search undisturbed for valuables and cash. The police have many tips on how to protect yourself against tricksters and burglars in numerous brochures.

Here are some of them:

  1. Before opening, make sure who wants to come to you: look through the peephole or out of the window, use the door intercom. Make yourself noticed, because it could be a presence check. For example, feign your presence with lights (timer), preferably in several rooms. Decline contact ("No thanks! I have no need!").
  2. Never let strangers into your home. Think about it: Why don't these people turn to a pharmacy, a shop or a pub in their "distress"?
  3. Do not give strangers any information about your or your neighbour's habits!
  4. Do not accept anything on behalf of others unless you have been specifically asked to do so in advance!
  5. Ask neighbours to help if you can no longer "cope" with the situation!
  6. Don't be blinded by feigned distress and excited pity!
  7. If you are confronted with supposed officials: Always ask to see a service card! Only let in tradesmen whom you have appointed yourself or who have been announced by your landlord.
  8. If you are given telephone numbers for reassurance: Be careful, there could be an accomplice at the other end of the line. It is better to find the number yourself!
  9. Don't be afraid to call the police if there are suspicious people in the neighbourhood. i feed it at your place?). Must not be at home, I want to feed it so badly ...

The police can only give advice, you have to take precautions yourself. For more tips on how to protect yourself from theft and fraud, including cybercrime, as well as individual advice, please contact the Criminal Investigation Advice Centre.